FIFA licensed agent Tom Peace from PBS Football agency says, "Signing a contract is simply all about financial security really. I think if you're comfortable with the club and you think it's a good club for you from a football point of view, and you think that you're getting paid your worth, then of course I think it's good to sign a contract because you're guaranteed that money.
But you've got to have a lot of things lined up for it to be signed. And I think that's why obviously having an agent massively helps because they can advise you and they can maybe see things from a different perspective. They can ask questions that you wouldn't even think to ask. Contracts are becoming more and more prominent further down the leagues as clubs now understand that if they don't lock in the best players, then they're just going to go on a on a seven day approach.
Professional football is all about recruitment and that means getting the best players you can within your level/market. The best cost money and therefore if teams are going to compete at most levels, clubs need to lock players in on contracts".